I feel sort of out of the loop because I was never a student of Frances Boggess but, as a parent of his students, I thoroughly enjoyed and admired him and respected his views and opinions...he truly was one of a kind. Our girls have great memories of “Mr. Boggess times”.
I forgot to tell you one of David’s best stories about 7th grade typing class.
Mr. Boggess was at the front of the classroom talking to the class and there was a resounding “DING” from out of nowhere.
Stone silence!
Someone had touched a typewriter....worse yet, the telltale “Tab” key.
No one breathed.
Every student promptly clasped his/her hands together on top of the head and Mr. Boggess set out on his search and destroy patrol to find the guilty carriage that was teetering far on the left side of the typewriter. Dave, sitting in the very back of the room, found tremendous humor in the situation and was trying so hard not to laugh that his eyes were watering. Mr. Boggess noticed Dave’s reaction and did one of his “trying very hard not to crack a smile” faces.
Dave was laughing so hard as he was telling the story that I don’t believe he ever made it to the end and I don’t know what happened to the student who had to claim to errant carriage thereby admitting to touching the typewriter.
Did any of you ever have to do the hands on heads thing?
According to Ann, It’s much funnier when Dave tells (the story) because, being by far the tallest kid in the class, he was always seated in the back of the room....a great vantage point for keeping an eye on Mr. Boggess and seeing the reaction of all of the very scared and shaking little 7th grade girls.
Ann also reports her daughter Tanna apparently had a great personal relationship with Boggess, whom she called "Lucy" for reasons unreported, and even sang a duet with him: "You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille!"
It's been so long since I used a manual typewriter that I couldn't remember how the tab key worked. Did the carriage go to the right? Or to the left, as this story indicates. It took me a while to visualize how that works, and finally agreed the carriage would bounce to the left. Or would it?