Back in the day there was no such thing as a "School Play"; instead it was the "Junior Class Play" or "Senior Class Play" and as juniors we put on "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder, the story of Everyman, living and dying in an average town. Bill Roberts starred as the Stage Manager, and Gwen Hillman and Larry Holstad starred as star-crossed lovers Emily and George. Bill was the cause of great concern because he didn't know his lines at all, until the first production, when he was performed perfectly. But that was Bill Roberts.
Anyway, the play itself seems a suitable reflection on "Our Town" where we grew up, and to keep all the links alive, here are real "links" to a number of institutions that we know and love. But let's start with a walk down Central Avenue - think of it as "Memory Lane". To view any album that is not running, click on the Viking icon in the lower left corner of the album.
The first album is lifted from a slideshow on the City of Northwood Home Page. Nice photos from Joel Rohne.
The first album is lifted from a slideshow on the City of Northwood Home Page. Nice photos from Joel Rohne.
Life as we knew it and commerce on Central Avenue
revolved around the Anchor - and the local Phone Book. Click anywhere
on the screen to go to a larger size view - and FIND YOUR PHONE NUMBER!
Keep up to date on the hometown school. Check out the Boosters Page, and find out who replaced Eldren Brunsvold on the board. You can view and participate without having to pay taxes, and that's a good thing. Unless, of course, you own property in the district.
No doubt you've gotten information and solicitation to "give back" to the school that helped to make you what you are. They have a website and though it's not real robust currently, we're sure that will change. Click here to visit the N-K Community Educational Foundation.
Where would you be without the hometown news? Again, it's not a real robust site, but for all you need to know about what's happening back home today, click here for the "Anchor". Note they'd be thrilled if you were to subscribe.
Been a while since you have seen life in Northwood? Click here to view "Pictures of Northwood."
The City of Northwood has a decent website. We stole their gallery of photos from the site, but encourage you to check the several links to the area that are listed under "Community Links."
It was in the Globe-Gazette where I read about the death of the Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens, and Buddy Holly. They were famous. I was not. I think the only time my name was ever mentioned in this illustrious paper was when I ran a red light in 1963 and I showed up in the police report. Chuck Hendrickson's mom, Mildred, clipped it out and gave it to me as a souvenir.
Click here for today's Globe. Skip over the police report.
For years after I left Iowa I couldn't wait to get a copy of the "Bible", the Des Moines Register. And as I write this, their RAGBRAI is going on this week. Forgive a little aside. The St Paul Pioneer Press had a feature story on this event in their travel section today, with tips on where to go to get the best feel for it, like Clear Lake, where they know how to handle tourists, or even Garner, of all places.
They also gave a little background, quoting John Karras, one of the founders, about the history. My recollection lends itself more towards Donald Kaul, whose daily column told of the trials and tribulations, especially in that first year, 1973. The most amazing thing to me (even moreso at my current age) was the story of Clarence from Indianola. His last name escapes me right now, but he was about 80 years old, wore a pith helmet, and rode a coaster bike the entire route. Ah the things you remember, for whatever reason, or forget, the same way. Look it up in the archives of the register, conveniently located at
Got a site we should be listing? Email us at We'd love to post it.