Karen Oakland Abrahams recently announced her retirement and was featured this week in the Northwood Anchor. Front page stuff!
Here is a link to the Page 1 story, click here . . .
The story carried over three pages, so to go to Page 2, click here . . .
And to finish it on Page 3, click here . . .
The Anchor's new format provides a very small font view so you will need to use a browser tool to be able to see the "fine print" used. There may be a pop-up magnifier at the bottom of the page, or you should be able to magnify the view by doing a right-click, then select "Marquee Zoom" - and click on the story to make it larger. Repeatedly, probably.
In any event, congratulations to Karen, who we can assume learned a whole lot over the 40 years she worked for the school district, and held a position of high trust for the past 20.
Congratulations, Karen. I hope you enjoy your retirement.