Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dance Party Review

With emails, one conversation turns to another. Stan forwarded some memories from an old shipmate, and Richard Holstad piped in.

Marshall Lytle
Then there is Marshall Lytle who at 78 or 84 or however old he is, can still lay down the Comets line and enjoy doing it although being pretty crippled up. He is one of the last who can say he was in the room, in Cleveland, with Alan Freed when he voiced over "Crazy Man Crazy", shouting "Rock and Roll!" starting what we all know as "Our Music".

P.S. Lytle announced his latest composition and then played "Viagra Rock".

-- Stan Arendts' friend Greg

Are you able to ask your shipmate Greg about Marshall Lytle doing the bit on the Hiss'n Pit?  That question should validate your “inside track” on what went on at the Surf last week.

When Marshall hobbled on stage with his cane, steadying himself as he walked on anything within arm's reach, I was reminded of last year when Jerry Lee Lewis performed. Except Marshall seemed to be in worse shape. As soon as Marshall was at his mark on stage, someone handed him a full size base fiddle so that he could discard his cane and use the bass as his support.

At first impression I expected Marshall was going to have problems with everything .... breath control, remembering the words, stamina, etc, etc

WRONG! He did have to catch his breath now and then but so would any other performer.....

Then that old devil rocked the Surf Ballroom in traditional fashion ..... I'm not offering these comments as professional courtesy either ..... He Rocked The Rafters!

In closing, I would say that “It is always a pleasure to visit the folks at home, to reconnect with the mid-west people, and be reminded of my roots.”

--Richard Holstad

Editor's Note: Lytle played bass for Bill Haley and the Comets on such classics as "Shake, Rattle and Roll," "Rock Around the Clock," and "See You Later, Alligator."  He is 79 this year.

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