Monday, August 8, 2011

Bolan - on Letterman!

I missed a followup on a story in the Anchor last week, one that prompted my recalling the Centennial held in Bolan 25 years ago.  The big news at that time was having the entire town flown to New York for an appearance on the Letterman show.  All 15 adults, or however many there were.

I even stayed up late to watch it, and it was indeed kind of quirky for them to be on the show but how many other towns have you known to be flown into New York?  One of the locals, who did not go, pretty much scoffed at it, thinking that it was only a chance for Letterman to make fun of them, which he did to a degree, but again - how many times do you get a free trip to New York?

Their Quasqicentennial is scheduled to be held on August 27 and I will miss that, too, but I'm sure it will be well attended.  At the Centennial 25 years ago they featured a "Stand Still Parade", which is to say all the floats and entries were lined up and you could walk from one end to the other to view them, since there wasn't really anywhere to drive those entries anyway, so they "stood still".  I'm not making fun here - that's a pretty nifty way to stand out.  You know, when you only have lemons, make lemonade.

This year they may have outdone the prior celebration with their unique and seventh annual Bolan Tractor Ride featuring a "mystery tour" with a surprise route to be followed on that day.  For only $20 you get ride support, a coffee break, lunch in Bolan, and homemade pie and ice cream.  A new kind of tail-gating, I guess.  Bet you couldn't get that in New York!


  1. Pretty sure our classmate, Karen Oakland Abrahams, was one of the people from Bolan who was on the Letterman Show.

  2. And she was - she just confirmed it a few minutes ago. Perhaps we could have her tell us all about it!


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