Whether that's accurate or not, we don't know, but Jo Olson thinks it's a photo of a stage play some 10 or 11 years prior to our time, the time of her older brothers Russell and Rodney, and thinks she recognizes some faces, but once again is not super-sure. While she is doing her research, we're thinking that some of you, dear readers (we always wanted to use that phrase), might be able to report something before Jo gets back to us.
In the meantime, we are able to report we have identified the "older woman" who played the part of Snow White. We found, and agree, it was none other than Bonnie Mack, thanks to Janis Hendrickson, who sent this along: Bonnie Mack lives in California and has recently retired I think. While in high school, she worked as an usher (obsolete job in today’s world!) for my dad at the Northwood Theater and my mother still gets a newsy Christmas letter from her every year. We met up with her a few years ago when we were in California.
In any regard, thanks to Richard for even forwarding the photo, and this note to go with it: I am so impressed with subjects like this one that necessarily include that trusty old gymnasium ….. that building is so very significant to the NKHS system dating back to 1940 up to today.
To help to tell the story, Richard has re-sized the photo into thirds so it is easier to see the students in the enhanced version. The original and all three of the enhanced photos are available for viewing in the Remember Grade School slideshow on the blog (About the Class of 62) or by viewing on our online album. Just click either link to go there.
(You can also view a larger photo by clicking on the picture so it opens in a new window, then use the "Zoom" function of your browser to increase the size. Internet Explorer has a bar at the bottom with a button that says +100% - click it to enlarge your screen.)
Yes, this photo is a bit of a mystery - I think I recognize some faces, also...but pretty sure this isn't the Snow White production