After pooh-poohing the weatherman in my last post, I suppose I should retract some of what I said. By golly, they were pretty much right on with their prognostication, although they did adjust it upwards midway through the blast.
By now you've heard the Metrodome roof collapsed in a big "poof", just as it did 25 or 30 years ago, and the UNI-Dome did the same thing back about 75 or 76, too. I suppose that's why it now has a hard roof. And you may well see a new stadium for the Vikings soon to be built. As a Cheesehead living but 30 miles away, I shall stand here and cheer for it since it will have no impact on my taxes.
The bottom line to the whole story is that it was a snowstorm like we used to have 'em, with 12 hours of storm-time devoted to the bantering weatherman. WeatherPERSON, I should say. I wonder whatever happened to the KGLO weather guy posted in the Shell Weather Tower. Technology has come a long way since then, when the camera zoomed in on what appeared to be a photo of a guy in a tree house until he turned around to tell us what was happening. Was he possibly the original outdoor weather guy? (Even if he wasn't outdoors?)
Man, we in Snowtown USA (so coined by Walter Cronkite after the blizzard of '77) are NOT jealous of the chill factor you endured. Piles of snow - fine. We just move them. But wind and the ultra BRRR - not so nice. We are stocked for the winter; let 'er rip!!